
 'Baba Vanga's Predictions for 2023'

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 'Baba Vanga's Predictions for 2023'

Sofia: Bulgarian soothsayer Baba Vanga's predictions for 2023 have come to the fore, in which she has made several predictions, including a ban on natural childbirth and an increase in the trend of creating babies in laboratories.

Babawanga, a blind woman who died in 1996, had made up to 5079 predictions in her life, many of which came true.

Herbal sage and religious leader Baba Vanga has claimed that in 2023 people living on earth will be killed by extraterrestrial creatures and these attacks are expected to take place in major countries.

According to the late astrologer, in 2023 most of the children will be born in laboratories and in 2023 there will be an increase in the tendency of people to create children in laboratories, while people will be able to choose the color and characteristics. Before their children were born…

Regarding the year 2023, Baba Vanga also made a terrifying claim that this year there will be a big explosion in a power plant which will create toxic clouds that will affect Asian countries and cause strange diseases.

The Bulgarian woman claimed that in the context of 2023, there is a clear possibility that the Earth's orbit will change in the new year, causing climate change and increasing global warming, which will cause serious problems for humans.

He predicted that in 2023, major countries would use deadly biological weapons against others, killing thousands.

Baba Vanga was born in Bulgaria in 1911 and died in 1996.

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